Rubik’s Cube

Rubik’s Cube is a 3-D puzzle game that became famous at the beginning of the 1970s. It was invented by Hungarian designer and professor, Ernö Rubik. At first, he used the cube to teach his students about logical movements. They were thrilled and realized that solving the puzzle was actually fun. A few years later, … Read more

Neanderthal Family Found in Siberian Cave

The bones of a father and his teenage daughter have recently been found in a cave in Siberia. According to DNA results, they probably lived about 50 000 years ago. The cave has been under excavation for over 14 years. Archaeologists have discovered 80 bone fragments, the largest number ever found. There were also prehistoric … Read more

Venezuela’s Migration Crisis

Almost 7 million Venezuelan citizens have left their country since the economic and political collapse in 2014. It has been the second-largest refugee crisis in the world. Most of the migrants are fleeing to neighbouring countries, especially Columbia. Thousands are taking dangerous routes through the jungle north to Panama, but many of them do not … Read more